Sunday, April 28, 2013

All about Meg.

My name is Megan Elizabeth Michon and i am 21 years old as of April 20 , 2013.  I am from Texarkana ,Texas and attend Henderson State University in Arkadelphia, Arkansas.  At Hsu I study Art education where I plan on getting my (BSE) degree.  With my degree frm Henderson I will be qualified to teach ages 5-12.  I have two years left and I can not wait to live my dream as an art teacher.  Art is my biggest passion and I love children.  Family is also a passion I have.  I wouldnt traid mine for the world.  I have 5 siblings and am the oldest of them all.  I also have an amazing boyfriend that I dont know what i would do without.  He goes to SAU in Mgnolia, Arkansas and we have been together since high school.  Also I have two doggies.  One named Molly and the other Roscoe.  Molly is a golden retriever and is the needy one out of the two.  Roscoe on the other hand is a miniture jack russel and is the layed back, just go with the flow type of dog.  These two are my step-dads pride and joy.  on the other hand us kids are my mothers pride and joy.  She is my role model.  She always knows what to do and what to say even if its hard.  She has more strength that anyone I have ever met, and could handle anything that comes her way.  Two quotes I live by she has taught me, " remember who you are", and " God doesnt put anything in your life that you can not handle".  If you can remember those two things you can get threw anything and handle anything.   I am very blessed with the people in my life, my education , and the Lord as my savior. 

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