Sunday, April 28, 2013

Me and My Paint

This is my last post for class and i believe to be the most important.  It is going to be my offical first post on my blog about what this blog is about.  If that made any sense.  As you all know art is my passion and so is teaching.  i want to make this blog about those two things.  I want to be able to post lesson plans, art that I make and might sell, and also art that catches my eye.  First I want to tell you why I want to be a teacher.  Ever since I was a little girl I have always been a very giving and caring individual.  It was never about what you could do for me but about what I could do for you.  When I was in 3rd grade my grandfather got very sick and so when we went over there I always wanted to help him in every way possible.  So my parents instilled in me that I needed to be a nurse.  well what they didnt know is that nurses and teachers have alot in common they both are caring, giving, and they teach others things so they can get by in life.  Then came my second love in life, and that is art.  When I was in middle school I then started to realize that i thought art was interesting but when i got to high school and had the wonderful Nicole Briscoe as a teacher I knew I was invincible.  She showed me and taught me so much and that is exactly what I want to do for another child.  Those students that art right brained are jsut as smart and talented as those are left just in different ways.  And i want to be that teacher that brings that out in them and shows them their strengths.  Every person is creative in their own way the just have to have someone guide them in the right direction.

Tweet. Tweet. Tweet.

Our professor gave us an assignment to look up two artiicles/blogs about social networking and research and write a blog based off it.  When looking up this assignment I thought it was going to be difficult to write about but its was actually quite interesting.  The first article I came upon was fromt he New York Times.  The articles is titled " Twitter Shows its Rude Side".  I knew this article would trigger the audience due to the fact that twitter is so popular these days.  In this article, former president Bill Clinton appeared on Stephen Colbert’s television show in early April.  Mr. Colbert said to the Mr. Clinton that he was suprised he didnt have a twitter account.  Bill Clinton then said that the reason for him not having a twitter account is because he was " sort of insecure".  After Mr. Colbert set up an account (@PrezBillyJeff) and had the former president dictate his first tweet to him.  Mr. Clinton added that he was worried he would have no followers.  Needless to say after an hour after the show was casted, the former president had up to 20,000 followers.  That is the story, the man writing the article then states his point of the article by stating, "if a household name capable of instantly drawing a crowd is concerned about looking like a loser on Twitter, think of the burden felt by the average Joe. In a milieu rife with self-promotion and self-branding, the inevitable byproduct is insecurity. Insecurity is to bad manners as boat travel is to nausea. "  I have to agree with this statement. What is your opinion?
The other article I choice to write about is also based on twitter.  This article is from the Los Angeles Times and is titled "BUSINESS BRIEFING : SOCIAL NETWORKING : Twitter sees 8% drop in U.S. users".  This article is based on the decrease of users on twitter and how they are mostly decreased by U.S. citizens.  the article states, "The number of Americans using Twitter dropped 8% in October from September, marking the second monthly decline for the social-networking site this year, according to research firm ComScore Inc.
Twitter Inc., the No. 3 social-networking site in the U.S., had 19.2 million users in October, ComScore said. The company had growth of less than 1% in September and declined in August. October's number was still up more than 13-fold from the year-earlier period." I believe that to be crazy in one month 8% decresed in twitter users. The article also states that during that time Facebook users increased 2%.  Even though some people including myself have drifted from facebook, I guess facebook is still standing strong.  What is your opinion?

Video: Harness Your Students' Digital Smarts.

Today I watched a film our professor required us to watch called Harness Your Students' Digital Smarts.  There are many things I learned from this film and many things I thought were interesting.  The first thing I realized is all teachers teach differently but all teachers have to use technology.  With todays shcooling every school has cameras, computers, calcutators, etc.  In every class room the teacher is going to have to teach the students how to use a certain kind of technology.  In the video this certain teacher teaches her students how to blog.  By blogging the students keep up with eachother's progress in learning as well as students all over the world. The teacher also states in the video that not all students can learn using a pice of paper and pencil.  Some students are visual learners (like myself) and have to be shown these things.  Using the computer, camera, etc. can visually show these students and teach them to were they are just as successful in the classroom as well as everyone els.   Even though I am not that familiar with ALL the technology you can use in the classroom, I am certain that I will keep learning and use it in my classroom.  Here is the link below of the video our professor has us watch.  What is your opinion on this video?

Harness your Students' Digital Smarts

All about Meg.

My name is Megan Elizabeth Michon and i am 21 years old as of April 20 , 2013.  I am from Texarkana ,Texas and attend Henderson State University in Arkadelphia, Arkansas.  At Hsu I study Art education where I plan on getting my (BSE) degree.  With my degree frm Henderson I will be qualified to teach ages 5-12.  I have two years left and I can not wait to live my dream as an art teacher.  Art is my biggest passion and I love children.  Family is also a passion I have.  I wouldnt traid mine for the world.  I have 5 siblings and am the oldest of them all.  I also have an amazing boyfriend that I dont know what i would do without.  He goes to SAU in Mgnolia, Arkansas and we have been together since high school.  Also I have two doggies.  One named Molly and the other Roscoe.  Molly is a golden retriever and is the needy one out of the two.  Roscoe on the other hand is a miniture jack russel and is the layed back, just go with the flow type of dog.  These two are my step-dads pride and joy.  on the other hand us kids are my mothers pride and joy.  She is my role model.  She always knows what to do and what to say even if its hard.  She has more strength that anyone I have ever met, and could handle anything that comes her way.  Two quotes I live by she has taught me, " remember who you are", and " God doesnt put anything in your life that you can not handle".  If you can remember those two things you can get threw anything and handle anything.   I am very blessed with the people in my life, my education , and the Lord as my savior.